Sunday, November 13, 2016

Connecting Kewpies for December PTSA Meeting

Would you like to know the difference between Angel, Blackboard, Schoology, and Google Drive? Don't miss out on the next Connecting Kewpies on Monday, December 5th at 6:30 in the Hickman High School Media Center.

It's Pie Day, Pie Day, Pie Day!

Sending our teachers our show of thanks is scheduled for Tuesday, November 22nd.

Sign up here Pie Day Sign Up to contribute to the November Hickman Teacher Appreciation Event!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Making Time for Family Meals

We know that lives get busy and schedules get tighter each year. There is a wealth of information and research supporting the act of sitting down and eating as a family.

Need some motivation to make a family meal a part of your routine? Take some time to read these articles!

There are many websites dedicated to fast and family approved meals. 
Need a new recipe? Here are some sites worth clicking on! Many which provide weekly food plans!

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Connecting Kewpies!

Please join us for our first Connecting Kewpies!
These parent informational meetings are after the general board meetings at 5:30.  We welcome you to both!

Easy Way to Contribute to the HHS PTSA!

Great Turnout for the First Drive-in Night!

Thanks to all of the families and staff that were able to help out with our movie night. It was a great evening of friends and fellowship!