Membership Form



Hickman PTSA is the only parent group to represent every student at Hickman. We provide a voice and community for all Hickman parents.  We support our teachers with funds and food. We present programs for all members of the Kewpie family. We celebrate the success of our students at the PTSA Awards Night. We show our children that we value education by being invested in their school.
WHERE DOES MY MONEY GO? Money earned by the PTSA is spent on needs for Hickman. PTSA awards $4000 to the faculty of Hickman through the Kewpie Grant program. Some grants provided field trips for classes, materials for class projects, or funded unique learning opportunities for students. 

HOW MUCH? Parents, guardians, students, and staff can join the PTSA and help make a difference for our kids for the membership price of $9 per person.

DONATIONS - In light Covid19 we do not have a good idea how this will impact our main source of income: concessions, we are asking families to consider making a donation to PTSA along with dues.   Donations of any size are always welcome! 

Hickman is a diverse family and we want Hickman PTSA to reflect that diversity. We need ALL voices at the table.When we have more voices at the table, we are able to better meet our students’ needs.  For more information, please contact me!  Hope to see you soon!

  • Click here for printable form and send form with your payment written to HHS PTSA, 300 Lindell, Columbia MO. 65203

  • OR use the Google Form below

  • If you use the Google Form you MUST pay online using Paypal (we welcome your "extra dollar" donation to your membership fees to help cover processing costs)
  • PAYPAL click donate button or QR code below:
  •  OR

 Paypal QR code:        



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