Monday, March 4, 2019

2019 Missouri PTA State Reflections Winners

2019 Missouri State Reflections Winners:

LITERATURE, High School (9th - 12th Grade)

3rd Place: Marissa Kraus, Hickman High School
Honorable Mention: Emily Creamer, Hickman High School

MUSIC COMPOSITION, High School (9th - 12th Grade)

1st Place: HyunJun Yoo, Hickman High School
3rd Place: Ethan Jones, Hickman High School

Missouri PTA Reflections winners will be recognized at the Reflections Student Showcase at the

Missouri PTA Convention in April in Springfield, Missouri!
Missouri PTA is incredibly proud of all the Reflections entries statewide!

Thank you to those units who choose to participate in the Program, and for those that are interested in partaking

next year, please email for more information!